Am nächsten Montag, 19.09.22, von 19 bis 22 Uhr gibt es wieder Forró tanzen im Santé! 😀 Und zwar dort:
Restaurant Santé, Moorkamp 6, 20357 Hamburg; Nähe U Christuskirche und Schlump.
Hier die Einladung zum ersten Termin:
Hey everyone,
These days I was telling a friend of mine about what Forró means to me and how I consider it my “happy place”, where I can just turn my head off and enjoy the atmosphere of music, dance and friendliness.
When I told her that I would love to have more opportunities to dance here in Hamburg, she had the idea that we could maybe use her restaurant on Monday evenings to dance. There is a stereo system that can be connected with via Bluetooth, the floor is nice to dance, the space is big enough yet not too gigantic and she wouldn’t ask for much money (an amount that should be doable if everyone coming chips in with 2-3 euros). She also offered, we could just try it out for free – see if it works well.
After a lot of beautiful reactions to that idea and people offering to help, it’s going to happen and we will have a try out dance event on the 15.8. at 19.00 at Santé! in Eimsbüttel, close to the station Christuskirche.
It is a very lovely place. My friend would leave it up to us to put the tables and chairs to the side and put them back in place after (kind of like in Atopia in Berlin) and would close the bar so we could just bring our own water/drinks.
Everyone is invited to come and dance with us!!

And on that note: everyone who is interested in helping us organize possible future events there, is also very welcome! The idea is an open circle – Forró for all and from all.
Moin Forró has offered help as well and we’re very grateful.
Let’s all celebrate this beautiful piece of Brazilian culture and dance together!
Much love going out to all forrozeiras e forrozeiros!